Detalii anunț

Vând rapiță , 137.45 €/t. (595.00 zł/t.)

România, added 29/09/2022 08:19
QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS Admixture: basis 2% max 4% between 2%

numărul de vizionări: 2 013

QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS Admixture: basis 2% max 4% between 2% and 4%, allowance 1:1 from Sellers to Buyers, fractions in proportion; Moisture: basis 9% max 10% between 9% and 10%, allowance 1:1 from Sellers to Buyers, fractions in proportion; All allowances to be based on contract price. NON GMO as per EU rules. No ISCC certificate Otherwise as per EU requirements Goods to be free from alive weevils/insects harmful to grains infestations and foreign/bad smell. Goods to be as per EU regulations, sound, loyal, merchantable
Varietate: No results
Calibru: No results
cantitățile disponibile: 100 - 1000 t
Ambalaj: big bag
Country of origin: Ucraina
Preț: 137.45 €/t. (595.00 zł/t.) net de stabilt

QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS Admixture: basis 2% max 4% between 2% and 4%, allowance

1:1 from Sellers to Buyers, fractions in proportion; Moisture: basis 9% max 10% between 9% and 10%, allowance 1:1 from Sellers to Buyers, fractions in proportion; All allowances to be based on contract price. NON GMO as per EU rules. No ISCC certificate Otherwise as per EU requirements Goods to be free from alive weevils/insects harmful to grains infestations and foreign/bad smell. Goods to be as per EU regulations, sound, loyal, merchantable
Id anunțului 83738

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