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Sell tarragon , 4.00 €/kg

United States, added 22/11/2019 23:36

Number of views: 6 336


Artemisia argyi, commonly known as silvery wormwood or Chinese mugwort,

is a herbaceous perennial plant with a creeping rhizome. It is native to China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan, and the Russian Far East (Amur Oblast, Primorye).It is known in Chinese as àicǎo or ài yè or ài hao and in Japanese as gaiyou. It is used in herbal medicine for conditions of the liver, spleen and kidney. It is a common flavoring and colorant in the Chinese dish qīng tuán. Artemisia argyi is an upright, greyish, herbaceous perennial about one metre tall, with short branches and a creeping rhizome. The stalked leaves are ovate, deeply divided and covered in small, oil-producing glands, pubescent above and densely white tomentose below. The lower leaves are about six centimetres long, bipinnate with wide lanceolate lobes and short teeth along the margins. The upper leaves are smaller and three-partite, and the bracteal leaves are simple, linear and lanceolate. The inflorescence is a narrow leafy panicle. The individual flowers are pale yellow, tubular, and clustered in spherical turned-down heads. The central flowers are bisexual while the marginal flowers are female. The petals are narrow and folded cylindrically and the bracts have a cobwebby pubescence. The whole plant is strongly aromatic.
Variety: No results
Size: No results
Available quantities: 20 - 50 t
Packaging: No results
Country of origin: United States
Price: 4.00 €/kg net negotiable

Artemisia argyi, commonly known as silvery wormwood or Chinese mugwort,

is a herbaceous perennial plant with a creeping rhizome. It is native to China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan, and the Russian Far East (Amur Oblast, Primorye).It is known in Chinese as àicǎo or ài yè or ài hao and in Japanese as gaiyou. It is used in herbal medicine for conditions of the liver, spleen and kidney. It is a common flavoring and colorant in the Chinese dish qīng tuán. Artemisia argyi is an upright, greyish, herbaceous perennial about one metre tall, with short branches and a creeping rhizome. The stalked leaves are ovate, deeply divided and covered in small, oil-producing glands, pubescent above and densely white tomentose below. The lower leaves are about six centimetres long, bipinnate with wide lanceolate lobes and short teeth along the margins. The upper leaves are smaller and three-partite, and the bracteal leaves are simple, linear and lanceolate. The inflorescence is a narrow leafy panicle. The individual flowers are pale yellow, tubular, and clustered in spherical turned-down heads. The central flowers are bisexual while the marginal flowers are female. The petals are narrow and folded cylindrically and the bracts have a cobwebby pubescence. The whole plant is strongly aromatic.
United States
Advertisement ID 31529

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