Privacy policy


Privacy Policy of the Agro-Market24


1. General information

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data and to the handling of those data in accordance with the relevant Polish laws, in particular the Act of 10 May 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as the laws of the European Community, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter “the GDPR”). Our purpose is to give you full information and control in regard to the scope of our processing of your personal data and providing you with the tools allowing you to use your rights as prescribed by the law.

Beneath we provide information on how we use, protect and whom we make your personal data available to.

2. The administrator of personal data (further referred to as Administrator) of Users of the Agro-Market24 (, i  is  Agro-Pro Sp z o.o. with it s registered office in Warsaw (00-844) Grzybowska 87 Street, Polish National Court Register (KRS) 0000575169, Polish Tax Identification Number (NIP) 9512397821, National Official Register of Business Entities (REGON): 362481980, the current email address is available on the homepage of the Website in the “Contact” section

3. The Personal Data collected through the Online classified ads portal Agro-Market24 (further referred to as IPO) available at the internet address ,  or as well as through connected services and tools used by the Users to perform actions such as Registration, viewing full advertisement lists, posting advertisements, contacting chosen potential business partners, using the Messenger, Newsletter Service. The Administrator, on its own and at its own responsibility, determines the purposes and means of processing the personal data of Users. Processing of personal data may be entrusted to third parties in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. We need your personal data for purposes related to concluding our agreement, the Administrator’s legitimate interests related to fulfilment of that agreement, and the provision of Services electronically. User data needed for creating a User Account and beginning to provide Services include at least the User’s name and email address. Supplying of personal data is voluntary, however, failure to supply such data makes it impossible to start using Services provided electronically. Data processing remains lawful until a User withdraws their consent.


4. We process data on the following legal bases:

- consent given by the User (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR),

- concluded service agreement, or actions taken by the User aimed at concluding that agreement (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR),

- Administrator’s legitimate interest in preventing unfair practices by the Website’s Users (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR),

- Administrator’s legitimate interest in processing for the purpose of direct marketing (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).


5. Apart from the personal data needed for creating a User Account and using the Services, the Administrator, in order to provide the Services electronically, may process additional personal data provided by a User for this purpose, including their surname,identification of the User’s company, address data, phone number, tax identification number, National Official Register of Business Entities (REGON).

6. What is more, in connection with technical conditions related to the use of Services provided electronically by a User, the Administrator may process data concerning Users, including personal data covering the geographical location of the User’s device, technical data concerning the devices used to access the Account, Internet or network connection data (including IP address), mobile device identifier, type of operating system, type of browser or other software, hardware-related or other technical data provided by the browser, measurement data on how and when the Account is used, history of advertisements and links selected, preferences and choices e.g. subscriptions, preferred language and currency.

7. In order to fulfill the contract and complete the order correctly, the Administrator may share personal data with data recipients especially the post operator, delivery company or payment operator, subjects providing accounting and legal services, marketing agencies (in the scope of marketing services) and related entities including companies from his capital group. In the remaining scope personal data may only be disclosed in cases stated by the law or by receiving consent. The Administrator reserves the right to disclose information about the User to adequate institutions or third parties, that will request such information within the boundaries of the law in force, as well as for establishing, investigating and defense from filed claims.

8. In order to use the IPO, a User must consent to the storage of cookies on the User’s device or other equivalent technologies to the extent needed for ensuring operation of the IPO’s basic functionalities. A User may also consent or object to the Administrator’s use and storage of cookies on the User’s device and processing of the User’s personal data to a greater extent than necessary, in particular for statistical and marketing purposes or for recording the User’s preferences. A User gives their consent by selecting the relevant options in the cookie settings window on the IPO.                

9. Every person whose personal data are processed by the Administrator has the right to access the content of their data as well as the right to correct, complete, update, transfer, rectify, and object to the processing of personal data. To do so, you must contact the Administrator using the contact details given in paragraph 2. In addition, you may at any time request erasure of your personal data from our database or lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal data with the supervisory authority – the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (PUODO).

10. Provided the Users consent, the Administrator is authorized to  send commercial information to the Users email address or telephone number given during registration as stated in the Law from the 18th of July 2002 about the provision of services by electronic means (Dz. U. from 2013, pos. 1422 with changes.) and the Telecommunications Law Act of 16 July 2004.Sending commercial information is only allowed having received the Users consent in a way stated on the shops website. The consent is given by ticking the box available on IPOs website. The User has the right to revoke his consent for sending commercial information by the Administrator, described in this point. For this purpose an adequate request must be sent to the address or email stated in point 2.

11. A User’s consent referred to in paragraph 10 above is voluntary but needed to provide the newsletter service. The following personal data are processed as part of the newsletter service: user name, email address.

12. The legal basis for providing the newsletter service is the data processing  consent given by the User ( art. 6 point 1 letter a) of the Regulation). In order to verify Account data as part of the Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure, the legal basis for processing personal data is the Controller’s legitimate interest in verifying the credibility of data of the Website’s Users in order to prevent unfair practices (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

13. Users’ personal data will not be processed for the purpose of automated decision-making or profiling of Users, or transferred outside the European Economic Area.

14. The Administrator assures that the server infrastructure used for the provision of Services and access to the IPO is at the necessary level of organizational and technical security required for this type of Services, in particular, cryptographic security for the connection of a User’s data transfer to the IPO is applied (an SSL-encrypted connection).

15. The Administrator may change the following Privacy Policy at any time. The User will be informed about any Privacy Policy changes through the website, by electronic means using the provided email or during login. The User whose data is being processed, has the right to object to processing of personal data concerning him or her following the rules defined by the changed Privacy Policy.

16. The Personal Data of the User is processed throughout the existence of the Account and is erased without delay in case of the Account removal. The period of data processing may be extended in case data processing is necessary to establish, investigate or defend from claims in judicial, administrative or other non-judicial proceedings or by request of competent government institutions, and after this period only in the scope and in cases, stated by legal regulations. After the expiration of this period the data is irrevocably erased.

17. This version of the Privacy Policy shall apply from 14 February 2023 until it is amended or revoked.



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