FAQ - Frequently asked questions

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FAQ Collapsible Panel
1. Is creating an account free?
Yes, creating an account is free.
2. Is posting an advertisement free?
Yes, one advertisement is free.
3. Will I find a buyer for my products?
We have users who have been using the portal for several years, so there is a good chance you will find a buyer for your products.
  • Over 70,000 registered users from 194 countries
  • Over 40,000 published advertisements
  • Our portal is visited by 50,000 to 150,000 unique users from 194 countries each month.
4. Will I find a supplier on the portal?
We have users who have been using the portal for several years, so there is a good chance you will find suppliers/producers.
  • Over 70,000 registered users from 194 countries
  • Over 40,000 published advertisements
  • Our portal is visited by 50,000 to 150,000 unique users from 194 countries each month.
5. Are the users verified?
Every user must pass verification before posting an advertisement or contacting you.
6. Why wasn't my account approved?
Check if the information in the form is complete and/or correct.
7. Why wasn't my account approved even though all the information is correct?
We only approve users who are agricultural producers or are involved in the trade of agricultural products.
8. Is my advertisement visible in other languages?
Yes. You post an advertisement in your language, and we translate it into other languages. This makes your advertisement visible in other language versions and accessible to users from 194 countries.
9. How many people will see my advertisement?
Usually, several hundred people will view your advertisement in the first week.
10. Who is the portal for?
The portal is intended for agricultural producers and companies involved in the trade of agricultural products. The sales and purchases involve wholesale quantities.
11. Are the prices in the advertisements real?
It depends on the users. Some prices are real, others are not.
12. Why wasn't my advertisement approved?
We only approve advertisements that concern agricultural products and correspond to the given product category.

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Agro-Market24 International Agricultural Exchange

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