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Sell oregano , 9.00 €/kg

Poland, added 17/12/2022 11:36

Number of views: 11 794


Oregano is a great antibacterial agent. It has phytonutrients (thymol

and carvacrol), which fight infections such as staph. It's loaded with antioxidants that help prevent cell damage, and it's an excellent source of fiber, vitamin K, manganese, iron, vitamin E, tryptophan and calcium.The This oregano is collected in Hotova National Park in Permet Albania. It is a rare natural product because it contains 96% carvacrol and 87% thymol. way.Essential oil 100 which contains 96% carvacrol and 87% thymol but also in 70% oregano essential oil and 30% virgin olive oil with a minimum of 86% carvacrol.Each product is collected and distilled by hand at home.
Variety: No results
Size: No results
Available quantities: 1 - 5 t
Packaging: No results
Country of origin: Albania
Price: 9.00 €/kg net negotiable

Oregano is a great antibacterial agent. It has phytonutrients (thymol

and carvacrol), which fight infections such as staph. It's loaded with antioxidants that help prevent cell damage, and it's an excellent source of fiber, vitamin K, manganese, iron, vitamin E, tryptophan and calcium.The This oregano is collected in Hotova National Park in Permet Albania. It is a rare natural product because it contains 96% carvacrol and 87% thymol. way.Essential oil 100 which contains 96% carvacrol and 87% thymol but also in 70% oregano essential oil and 30% virgin olive oil with a minimum of 86% carvacrol.Each product is collected and distilled by hand at home.
Advertisement ID 68612

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