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Sell other , 256.46 €/t (1103.95 zł/t)

eesti, added 24/11/2023 08:50

Number of views: 2 490


We sell Madras peas (big bags), batch 2023, 100 tons

in stock. Humidity up to 14%, bag weight 1.4-1.6 tons. Degree of purification -96.6%. Production: Russia GOST quality. All necessary documents included. Write: We sell Madras peas (big bags), batch 2023, 100 tons in stock. Humidity up to 14%, bag weight 1.4-1.6 tons. Degree of purification -96.6%. GOST quality. All necessary documents included. Write to: [e-mail address] Show original tekst
Variety: No results
Size: No results
Available quantities: 100 - 1000 t
Packaging: big bag
Country of origin: Belarus
Price: 256.46 €/t (1103.95 zł/t) net negotiable

We sell Madras peas (big bags), batch 2023, 100 tons

in stock. Humidity up to 14%, bag weight 1.4-1.6 tons. Degree of purification -96.6%. Production: Russia GOST quality. All necessary documents included. Write: We sell Madras peas (big bags), batch 2023, 100 tons in stock. Humidity up to 14%, bag weight 1.4-1.6 tons. Degree of purification -96.6%. GOST quality. All necessary documents included. Write to: [e-mail address] Show original tekst
Eesti, Estonia
Advertisement ID 90198

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