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Sell grapes , 0.59 €/kg (2.50 zł/kg)

Romania, added 24/08/2023 07:27
1. We sell grapes for wine from the Cabernet

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1. We sell grapes for wine from the Cabernet Sauvignon

and Italian Riesling varieties with IG Dealurile Moldovei. We provide the tax invoice and the Tab from the Winegrower's Book. The varieties are brought from Germany, Cabernet is an early variety with high sugar accumulation. The vineyard is located in the town of Nicoresti, Galati county. The picking is carried out as the customer wants, and for scheduling, please call no. [phone]. Harvesting starts around August 25, 2023. 2. We sell red and white must from the above varieties, 5 lei/kg. Show original tekst
Variety: No results
Size: No results
Available quantities: 5 - 20 t
Packaging: No results
Country of origin: Romania
Price: 0.59 €/kg (2.50 zł/kg) net

1. We sell grapes for wine from the Cabernet Sauvignon

and Italian Riesling varieties with IG Dealurile Moldovei. We provide the tax invoice and the Tab from the Winegrower's Book. The varieties are brought from Germany, Cabernet is an early variety with high sugar accumulation. The vineyard is located in the town of Nicoresti, Galati county. The picking is carried out as the customer wants, and for scheduling, please call no. [phone]. Harvesting starts around August 25, 2023. 2. We sell red and white must from the above varieties, 5 lei/kg. Show original tekst
Advertisement ID 89316

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