Compania ucraineană „Accent-Town” vă oferă ceapă roșie și galbenă decojite.
Soi "Marte", "Meduza", "Banco", calibru - 3-6 cm, 5-8 cm. 20+ tone Ambalare - 20 kg net. Este posibilă ambalarea într-o plasă de altă dimensiune, Big-Bag, geantă perforată. Lucrăm la termenii FCA conform Incoterms-2020 sau la termenii DAP cu plată pentru furnizarea de copii scanate ale documentelor vamale. Manager - Ilya Maltsev +380973545021, Yatsenko Daria +380990218665. Telegram, What's Up, Viber The Ukrainian company "Accent-Town" offers you peeled red and yellow onions. Sort "Mars", "Meduza", "Banco", caliber - 3-6 cm, 5-8 cm. 20+ ton Packing - 20 kg net. It is possible to pack in a mesh of a different size, Big-Bag, perforated bag. We work on FCA terms according to Incoterms-2020 or on DAP terms with payment for the provision of scanned copies of customs documents. Manager - Ilya Maltsev +380973545021, Yatsenko Daria +380990218665 Telegram, What's Up, Viber Ukrainian company "Accent-Town" offers you peeled red and yellow onions. Variety "Mars", "Meduza", "Banco", caliber - 3-6 cm, 5-8 cm. 20+ tons Packing - 20 kg net. It is possible to pack in a mesh of a different size, Big-Bag, perforated bag. We work on FCA terms according to Incoterms-2020 or on DAP terms with payment for the provision of scanned copies of customs documents. Manager - Ilya Maltsev +380973545021, Daria Yatsenko +380990218665. Telegram, What's Up, Viber
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