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Sell apples golden delicious , 0.65 €/kg, 75/85 mm

Romania, added 19/11/2021 08:17

Number of views: 2 184


From the beginning of the world, when the apple was

"untouchable", being a symbol of knowledge, good and evil, and to the fairy tales in which it was considered to be the golden fruit, the apple gained its fame among the inhabitants of the world. , being today one of the most consumed and appreciated fruits. Here are some of the amazing health properties of apples: - strengthens the immune system due to the high content of vitamin c; - improve your vision due to the content of vitamin A; - the alkalinity of this fruit helps the liver eliminate toxins and maintains the pH level within normal limits; - facilitates digestion due to sorbitol that attracts water to the colon; - strengthens bones due to vitamin C, Iron and Boron; - maintains the health of the cardiovascular system due to antioxidants; - prevents cancer due to the content of flavanoids and phenolic acid; - reduces and balances blood cholesterol; - minerals such as potassium ensure heart health; We offer you BIO apples, quality I, Golden delicious variety, from Romania. More details at 0771099234/0725581108 Show original tekst
Variety: golden delicious
Size: 75/85
Available quantities: 20 - 50 t
Packaging: No results
Country of origin: Romania
Price: 0.65 €/kg net negotiable
Ecological product Ecological product

From the beginning of the world, when the apple was

"untouchable", being a symbol of knowledge, good and evil, and to the fairy tales in which it was considered to be the golden fruit, the apple gained its fame among the inhabitants of the world. , being today one of the most consumed and appreciated fruits. Here are some of the amazing health properties of apples: - strengthens the immune system due to the high content of vitamin c; - improve your vision due to the content of vitamin A; - the alkalinity of this fruit helps the liver eliminate toxins and maintains the pH level within normal limits; - facilitates digestion due to sorbitol that attracts water to the colon; - strengthens bones due to vitamin C, Iron and Boron; - maintains the health of the cardiovascular system due to antioxidants; - prevents cancer due to the content of flavanoids and phenolic acid; - reduces and balances blood cholesterol; - minerals such as potassium ensure heart health; We offer you BIO apples, quality I, Golden delicious variety, from Romania. More details at 0771099234/0725581108 Show original tekst
Advertisement ID 72029

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