Apples purchasing

4 October 2024
Apples purchasing

Apples purchasing

Table of Contents

What is apple purchasing?

Apple purchasing is the process of buying apples from orchardists and agricultural producers by companies engaged in processing, exporting, or distributing these fruits. For farmers, apple purchasing is an essential aspect of their business, allowing them to sell their harvests and obtain funds for further production. In Poland, which is one of the largest apple producers in Europe, apple purchasing plays a key role in the agricultural sector.

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How does apple purchasing work?

Apple purchasing operates on a buy-sell basis, where farmers deliver their harvests to purchasing points or sell them directly to processing companies. The purchasing process includes several stages:

  1. Quality assessment: Before accepting the apples for purchasing, a quality assessment is conducted. Important parameters include firmness, sugar content, size, color, and the absence of damage or diseases.
  2. Price determination: The price of apples at purchasing points depends on many factors, including the quality of the fruit, variety, delivery size, and current market conditions. Prices may vary depending on the region and demand for a particular type of apple.
  3. Transport and storage: After acceptance, the apples are transported to warehouses or processing plants. Storing them under appropriate conditions is crucial for maintaining their freshness and quality.
  4. Processing or sale: Apples may be intended for direct sale in the fresh fruit market, export, or processing into juices, concentrates, purees, or other food products.

Types of apples in purchasing

Various apple varieties are accepted for purchasing, both those intended for direct consumption and those for processing. The most popular varieties purchased in Poland include:

  • Gala: Small to medium-sized apples with red or yellow color, popular for their sweet taste and crisp texture.
  • Golden Delicious: Large, yellow apples, sweet and juicy, ideal for direct consumption.
  • Jonagold: A variety with large fruits that combines sweet and slightly tart flavors, often used for juice production.

Apple purchasing prices

Apple purchasing prices fluctuate and depend on many factors, including current conditions in the domestic and international markets, the quality of the fruit, and the costs of transport and storage. Orchardists should monitor current apple purchasing price quotes, which are often published on agricultural portals and in industry press, to obtain the best possible price.

Apple Market Prospects

The apple market in Poland has significant potential for both production and export. The growing demand for healthy food and processed products made from apples, such as juices and purees, promotes further sector development. However, it is essential to remember that apple purchasing prices can vary significantly depending on weather conditions, harvest sizes, and the global market situation.

Apple purchasing is a process through which orchardists can sell their crops, while processing companies ensure they have the highest quality raw material. With years of experience backed by numerous successes in the market, we offer apple purchasing that guarantees top-quality products. Our offer includes both industrial apples and fruits intended for direct consumption, allowing us to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

The current prices of industrial apples we offer are competitive and adjusted to market realities, ensuring that orchardists can expect fair payment for their harvests. Our wide range of raw materials includes various types of fruit, including hard apple varieties that are more widely recognized in processing. We also offer small cartons for sorting and packing fruits, which facilitates transport and storage.

Our activities in apple purchasing are based on long-term cooperation with orchardists who value our reliability and professionalism. We warmly invite both those selling wholesale quantities and smaller producers to collaborate with us. Our ongoing training and close cooperation with contractors allow us to meet all processing needs while guaranteeing excellent taste and quality of the fruits that reach our customers.

Fallen apples pricing

In 2023, the prices for fallen apples (industrial apples) in Poland varied depending on the region and demand for fruits intended for processing. The average purchasing price ranged from 0.55 to 0.80 PLN per kilogram, depending on the quality of the apples and the size of the delivery.

In some cases, larger deliveries (e.g., full truckloads) could achieve better prices, especially if the apples were exported to countries such as Germany, where prices for industrial apples reached up to 0.80 PLN/kg.

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Apples purchasing
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