Price of Pea Purchasing

4 October 2024
Price of Pea Purchasing

Price of Pea Purchasing

Table of Contents

What is seed pea?

Seed pea is a legume grown for feed and food purposes. It is rich in protein, nutritious, and easy to cultivate, making it popular among farmers.

Definition and properties of seed pea

Seed pea belongs to the legume family and is an annual plant that reaches a height of 30 to 60 cm. The flowers range in color from white to pink to purple, and the plant is resistant to diseases and pests.

See international announcements on Agro-Market24: Purchasing pea

Uses of seed pea in agriculture

Seed pea (Pisum sativum) is a versatile plant with many applications in agriculture:

Animal feed: Seed pea is a key ingredient in feed, especially for pigs, cattle, and poultry. Its high concentration of plant protein makes it a valuable addition to animal diets.

Green manure: Pea can be grown as green manure. When included in crop rotation, it enriches the soil with nitrogen, improving its fertility.

Pre-crop: Due to its soil-enriching properties, seed pea is used as a pre-crop, preparing the soil for cereal crops, improving its structure and nutrient content.

Human consumption: Seed pea is also grown for food purposes in the form of dry seeds, which are the basis for many dishes. Rich in protein, fiber, and minerals, it is a valuable dietary component, especially for vegetarian and vegan diets.

Environmental benefits: The cultivation of seed pea contributes to environmental protection by reducing the need for synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, which lowers greenhouse gas emissions and improves soil health.

Benefits of growing seed pea

Seed pea does not require special cultivation techniques, and its high nutritional value makes it a valuable feed ingredient.

Price of pea purchasing

In 2024, the price of peas in purchasing ranges between 970 and 1000 PLN per ton. The price may vary depending on the region and quality of the supplied raw material.

Tracking prices in the pea market

Tracking prices on commodity exchanges can serve as a guideline for local purchasing points. It is worthwhile to monitor these quotes to obtain the best prices for your harvest.

Factors influencing price

The price of peas is influenced by many factors, such as supply and demand, weather conditions, and agricultural policy. Increased demand raises prices, while unfavorable weather conditions, such as drought, can reduce yields and increase prices.

Pea purchasing – points and prices

Peas can be sold at many purchasing points in Poland, and prices may vary depending on the region. It is advisable to negotiate sales conditions in advance to obtain the best price.

Profitability of pea production

The cultivation of peas can be profitable, especially with high purchasing prices. Production costs are relatively low, allowing for profits with proper farm management.

Current pea prices

The pea market is stable but is influenced by agricultural policy, weather conditions, and changes in demand. Prices are expected to remain at a favorable level, which is good news for producers.

Price of pea purchasing 2024

In 2024, the purchasing of food peas in Poland depends on market conditions shaped by supply, product quality, and weather conditions affecting yields. The growing interest in legumes, including peas, is a result of increased demand for plant-based protein and a wide range of applications in the food and feed industries.

Purchasing points accept peas with specific parameters such as moisture, seed size, and absence of damage. Pea purchasing typically occurs seasonally, and farmers can sell their harvests under both contracts and on the open market.

Varieties of peas

There are many varieties of peas that differ in purpose, yield, disease resistance, and soil requirements. Here are some popular pea varieties:

  1. Seed pea (Pisum sativum) – the most commonly grown in Poland, intended for both consumption and as animal feed.
  2. Snow pea – mainly grown for food purposes. Its pods are edible and sweet, suitable for eating raw or after brief cooking.
  3. Shelled pea – a variety where only the seeds are harvested, and the pods are hard and inedible. It is primarily grown for dry grain.
  4. Garden pea (Pisum sativum var. saccharatum) – mainly used as an ingredient in dishes, with soft pods and seeds that can be eaten whole.

Here are some sample announcements regarding pea sales:

  1. For sale: seed pea – high quality! “I offer for sale seed pea with high protein content. The peas come from this year’s harvest, carefully sorted, ready for transport. Bulk purchase available – price negotiable. Ideal for animal feed.”
  2. For sale: shelled pea – straight from the farmer “I have shelled pea for sale in large quantities. I possess fresh, well-dried peas from the latest harvest. Price depends on the quantity ordered. Prefer personal pickup, but delivery within the region is possible.”
  3. Peas for feed – wholesale for sale “I have feed peas for sale, excellent for use in animal feed. Dry peas, properly stored. Price: 950 PLN per ton. Delivery of larger quantities available throughout Poland.”
  4. For sale: snow pea – perfect for consumption “I offer fresh snow peas from organic cultivation. Peas perfect for direct consumption, delicate and sweet in taste. Goods available, high yield. Serious inquiries only.”

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Price of Pea Purchasing
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