Pumpkin Cultivation

4 October 2024
Pumpkin cultivation

Pumpkin Cultivation

Table of Contents

Pumpkins are popular vegetables with many uses. There are many ways to grow pumpkins, depending on the conditions and available space. Here’s a guide to pumpkin cultivation in various situations, from fields to containers.

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Pumpkin cultivation in the field

Site and Soil Selection:

  • Location: Pumpkins need full sun, 6-8 hours a day.
  • Soil: Well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Add compost or manure to the soil before planting.

Preparation and Planting:

  • Sowing: Sow in early spring after the risk of frost has passed, or start seedlings indoors.
  • Spacing: Space seeds 1-1.5 meters apart.
  • Depth: Plant seeds at a depth of 2-3 cm.


  • Watering: Pumpkins need regular watering, especially during growth and flowering. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  • Fertilization: Fertilize every 4-6 weeks with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.


  • Timing: 75-100 days after planting, depending on the variety.
  • Method: When the pumpkin skin becomes hard and the stem starts to dry, it’s time to harvest.

Pumpkin cultivation in pots

Choosing a Pot and Soil:

  • Pot: Large, with a diameter of at least 40-50 cm, with good drainage.
  • Soil: A mixture of peat, compost, and perlite for good drainage and fertility.


  • Seeds: Sow indoors in early spring in pots or seed trays.
  • Transplanting: After the risk of frost has passed and when the plants are large enough, move them to larger containers or outside.


  • Watering: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  • Fertilization: Fertilize with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers every few weeks.


  • Timing: Same as field cultivation; harvest when the skin is hard and the stem is dry.

Hokkaido pumpkin cultivation


  • Variety: Compact variety suitable for smaller gardens and containers.
  • Soil: Well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0.


  • Seeds: Sow in May or start seedlings in April.
  • Spacing: 60-90 cm apart.


  • Watering: Keep the soil moist during growth.
  • Fertilization: Fertilize regularly, especially before flowering.


  • Timing: 90-100 days after sowing.

How to Grow Pumpkins

  • Location: Pumpkins need full sun and well-drained soil.
  • Sowing: Sow seeds or transplant seedlings after the risk of frost has passed.
  • Care: Regular watering and fertilization.
  • Harvesting: Pumpkins are ready to harvest when the skin is hard and the stem is dry.

Pumpkin cultivation for seeds


  • Variety: Choose high-quality seeds. Select varieties that store seeds well.
  • Soil and Location: Well-drained, fertile soil.

Planting and Care:

  • Planting: Sow in early spring when the soil is warm.
  • Care: Keep the soil moist and fertilize regularly.


  • Seed Harvest: When the pumpkins ripen, cut them open, remove the seeds, and dry them before storing.

Giant pumpkin cultivation


  • Variety: Giant pumpkins require a lot of space and intensive care.
  • Soil: Fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0.

Planting and Care:

  • Planting: May or start seedlings in early spring.
  • Care: Giant pumpkins need plenty of water and fertilizers. Regularly monitor their growth and health.


  • Timing: Harvest when the skin is hard and the stem is dry, usually after about 120-150 days.

Pumpkin cultivation in Portugal 2016

About 25 years ago, the Mostert family settled on the Portuguese island of Mallorca, on the coast between Porto and Lisbon, to grow potted plants and bulbs. A few years ago, Aad and his wife Esther took on a new challenge – cultivating snails.

“We had beautiful snails and developed a snail croquette for the Dutch market. For two years in a row, we took them to Horecavy. Unfortunately, not all links in the chain were enthusiastic, and it was difficult to sustain,” Aad reflects.

Therefore, in the fall of 2015, they started changing and began cultivating cabbage. “Our best friend is now our biggest enemy, as snails love it. But we’ve struggled to keep them at bay,” says Aad. This spring, they grew some wide seeds, and now there are 2.5 hectares full of gourds.

Everything is done in close communication with their buyer Versland. “Snails taught me that you can control cultivation, but the rest of the chain also has to be organized. That’s why we focus on cultivation and Versland organizes the sales. The challenge is to grow vegetables that are not available in the Netherlands at that time. This way we can achieve the best possible result without interfering with others,” Aad says. “We consciously don’t want to grow too fast but to slowly expand the area with demand.”

“We are from the greenhouse and had no experience in open-field cultivation, but we have learned a lot in recent years. We harvest pumpkins using battery-powered secateurs. We employ two Portuguese women full-time during the harvest. The demand for dwarf pumpkins is growing.”

Last year, sorting was slightly inadequate, but with a new variety from Sakata Seeds, we now have larger pumpkins. Then we start Hokkaido pumpkins, which are in high demand around the Christmas holidays. Then we return to cabbage cultivation. Customer wishes are key,” emphasizes Aad.

Meanwhile, the Mosterts are enjoying life in Portugal. “The people are very nice. There aren’t many growers in the region, except for rice fields, so we give the first pumpkins to the locals. We are already quite assertive and speak Portuguese. We even celebrated our wedding in both the Netherlands and Mallorca. “We want to not only develop here but also become part of the community,” summarizes Aad.

Pumpkin cultivation – hobby

Pumpkin cultivation is a fascinating activity that can bring a lot of satisfaction, especially when the pumpkins start to bear fruit. There are many varieties of pumpkin that differ in both appearance and properties. Among the popular varieties are spaghetti squash, butternut squash, and giant pumpkins. Each has its specific requirements and uses.

Soil and Location Selection

To grow pumpkins, it is essential to provide the right conditions. Pumpkins need a sunny spot and fertile soil. The soil should be well-drained, with an optimal pH of 6.0-7.0. Pumpkin plants have shallow root systems, so it is important to regularly moisten the soil without waterlogging it. Pumpkin seeds should be sown after the last frost, ideally at a depth of 2-3 cm.

Planting and Care

Seedlings can be prepared in a greenhouse or indoors and then transplanted to the garden after the risk of frost has passed. Pumpkins develop heart-shaped leaves and tendrils that require regular care. Key in pumpkin care is ensuring the plants receive adequate water and fertilization, especially with potassium, which supports fruit development.

Pumpkin Cultivation in the Garden

Growing pumpkins in the garden requires providing the plants with suitable conditions for growth. Pumpkins thrive in sunny conditions and need ample space to develop. Regular checks should be made to ensure the pumpkin fruits are free from diseases and pests. Pumpkins can be grown in various varieties, including smaller varieties ideal for small gardens.

Harvesting and Storage

Pumpkin fruits begin to ripen after about 75-100 days from sowing. The pumpkin skin should be hard and durable, indicating full maturity. After harvesting, pumpkins should be left for a few days in a sunny spot to dry properly. Pumpkins can be stored for a long time; however, it is important to ensure the pumpkin seeds are well dried before storage.

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Pumpkin Cultivation
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