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Lettuce is one of the most popular leafy vegetables, valued for its delicacy, freshness, and low calorie content. It is a staple ingredient in many salads, sandwiches, and light dishes. Selling lettuce is particularly profitable during the spring and summer seasons when demand for fresh vegetables is highest.
There are various types of lettuce, such as butterhead, romaine, iceberg, and arugula. Each type has its unique flavor and texture, making lettuce a versatile ingredient in many dishes. Due to its short growth cycles and ease of cultivation, lettuce is available year-round, both in local markets and wholesale trade.
Lettuce is a versatile vegetable, perfect for raw consumption in salads, sandwiches, as a garnish, and even as an ingredient in soups or smoothies. It is a popular choice among those who prioritize a healthy diet.
Lettuce can be purchased in supermarkets, at markets, and in online stores. It is available fresh, either in heads or pre-packaged salad mixes, making it easy to store and transport. For companies involved in vegetable processing, buying lettuce wholesale is advantageous, offering competitive prices and regular deliveries throughout the season.
I am looking for fresh lettuce of various types, preferably sourced directly from producers. I offer competitive prices and can arrange pickup at your location. Please contact me by phone to discuss details.
I am interested in purchasing lettuce in large quantities. Quick pickup and fair prices are guaranteed. Please reach out through a private message or by phone.
I am seeking fresh seasonal lettuce and am open to long-term collaboration with the possibility of larger orders. Please send me your offers!
Lettuce prices depend on several factors:
The average retail price of lettuce can range from $0.75 to $2.50 per head or package, depending on these factors.
The purchase of lettuce is important for food producers, restaurants, and catering companies. Companies buying lettuce offer stable prices and the possibility of long-term cooperation, which is beneficial for farmers and suppliers.
The average price of lettuce in 2024 may vary depending on the season, variety, and form of sale. Fresh lettuce may be more expensive outside the season, while packaged lettuce may offer more stable prices throughout the year.
The average retail price of lettuce in 2024 can range from $0.75 to $2.50 per head or package, depending on the variety, quality, and place of purchase.
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lettuce butterhead
0.48 €/pcs. (2.00 zł/pcs.)
negotiable price
wielkopolska province (greater poland province) (PL)
lettuce iceberg
0.93 €/kg (3.90 zł/kg)
Proszowice, proszowicki, małopolska province ( lesser poland province) (PL)
lettuce butterhead
0.60 €/pcs. (2.50 zł/pcs.)
Tłokinia Wielka, kaliski, wielkopolska province (greater poland province) (PL)
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